Spark your imagination. Share your talent. 在荣誉课程中与其他积极进取的学生联系.
Benefits of being an Honors Student
- Graduate as a Keystone Scholar
- Gain priority course registration each semester
- 在小屋的荣誉学生私人休息室放松或学习
- 与其他优秀学生和指导教师一起收获小班的好处
- Gain membership into the President’s Book Club
- Exchange ideas with other highly motivated students
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
更进一步,加入Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD).
ALD是一个全国性的荣誉学会,它提供了一个学者社区, a platform to develop leadership skills, and financial support through scholarships. In order to qualify to join ALD, you must be pursuing a bachelor degree, be enrolled full-time, and earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher during your freshman year. 邀请将通过电子邮件发送给有资格加入的学生. 这发生在他们大二之前的那个夏天. To join, students must pay a one-time $35.每学期向全国分会缴纳00美元的会费,并参加会议. 所有的学生都将在毕业典礼上佩戴一根弦
Honors Program
Ward Roe
Director of the Honors Program
“我在Keystone的教育变得更加丰富. The honors program challenges me to do my best. 我会把它推荐给任何想要成长的人, create a positive impact on the community, or push themselves in their academic studies.”
Zoe Stephens, ’21
Honors Program Course Work
You begin the honors program in a cohort of talented, motivated students like yourself, 参加FYS荣誉课程和某些情况下的荣誉大学写作课程. By your second or third semester, 你开始完成荣誉项目,这给了你学习经验的灵活性. 从高级艺术项目到较长的研究论文,再到科学实验,再到你和你的教授能想到的任何不同的项目想法, 这些项目将挑战你在Keystone学习的新高度.
Enriched College Writing Course
所有即将入学的优等生都将参加英语1110(大学写作i -学术写作)的特殊课程。. 同侪编辑和修订工作坊补充了师生在课堂内外的互动. 荣誉部分将包含丰富的课程,并由资深教师授课.
Honors-Designated Courses
学生将被要求参加18个荣誉指定学分,除了强化英语1110课程. (修读副学士学位的学生须修习9个荣誉指定学分). 每门荣誉指定课程将由学生和教师签署合同, outlining more in-depth, enriched requirements. 学院的大部分课程都可以获得荣誉称号.
Non-Eligible Honors Courses
所有的Keystone课程都有资格参加荣誉课程的学生获得荣誉称号, with the permission of the instructor, except the following: FYS 1110, COMM 1125, PHED 1110, IT 1115, MATH 1115, MATH 1125, SCI 0050, ACCT 1125, ACCT 1155, ACCT 1160, IT 4710 through 4730, all 1000-level ART studio courses, all Internships, field experiences, student teaching, and experiential learning courses.
“教育是你可以用来改变世界的最有力的武器. "
~ Nelson MandelaCo-curricular Honors Activities & Field Trips
- Lectures
- Guest speakers and poets
- Various cultural events
- Northeast Region Honors Council
- Conferences
- Undergraduate research opportunities
- Service opportunities
- Museum of Natural History
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Corning Glass Museum
Graduation Highlights for Our Honors Students
任何在荣誉课程中获得最低累积平均绩点3分的学生.在已设立的荣誉课程中,成绩达到“B”的学生将被指定为荣誉学者. 荣誉学者的称号将出现在他们的文凭上,他们将在毕业典礼上佩戴杰出奖章.
任何攻读本科学位的学生,至少获得3分.500 cumulative GPA will graduate with honors. 荣誉称号将出现在他们的文凭上,他们将在毕业典礼上佩戴金色的荣誉证书.
- Summa Cum Laude: 3.900 – 4.00 GPA
- Magna Cum Laude: 3.700 – 3.899 GPA
- Cum laude: 3.500 – 3.699 GPA
Who May Participate in the Honors Program
Admissions invitation
- 一旦学生被学院正式录取,招生主任可以邀请学生参加荣誉课程.
- 希望参加的学生必须在四年级的4月1日之前提交完整的入学申请.
- Students must have a minimum 3.80 cumulative high school GPA OR a 3.高中GPA累计50分,SAT成绩1170分(2016年3月前SAT成绩1100分)或ACT综合成绩24分, 加上高中荣誉水平和/或AP课程的证明.
Faculty nominations
- 学生在基斯顿学院的第一学期, 教师被要求提交那些符合荣誉项目标准但尚未参与的学生的名字.
- 经过审查,这些学生可能会被邀请进入荣誉课程,从下个学期开始.
- Students must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher to be considered for the honors program.
Honors Contract (PDF)
Contact Us
Honors Program
Ward Roe
Director of the Honors Program
Bryan McIntyre | Class of 2016, Outstanding Graduate
University of Pennsylvania Law StudentServed as Student Government President